Meter Reading
Water bills are processed bi-monthly, billed in odd months 6 times per year. Due to technical issues, automated reading is not available on the old water meters. Most homes have had the new meters installed. These meters are very accurate and read electronically.
One question we have received from citizens with the old meters is "How can I ensure my bill is accurate? What if I have over or under paid?"
First, when a city representative comes around, allow them access to read your meter. If you are unavailable on or about the first of the month for readings, please contact city hall or PeopleService to schedule a time for your meter to be read.
OR, you may read your meter and submit the reading to city hall. Manual water meter readings should be done on or about the first of each odd numbered month. When submitting a meter read, be sure to include all the digits.
If your meter read is much higher than the estimate or last reading, check to ensure you do not have a running toilet or leak/drip.
If your meter read is lower than the last estimate, a credit will be issued.** (UNLESS you had a meter replacement in the past that happened mid-cycle, in which case there is a baseline adjustment required. This applies to approximately 10 meters within the city.)
New meters are being read electronically, and once your new meter is installed, manual readings will no longer be needed.

Our Meters
Submit your Meter Reading
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